So I discovered the other morning that LS had taken up residence. Or at least he did for Sunday and Monday.
Why me? Why is the smartass always the one who gets in trouble? Why did it take me so darned long to figure that out?
Sunday night, the first person to see me was R. He starts laughing, asks where I've been, I blush, he laughs harder and starts making comments. Okay, one down.
Then I head downstairs. And there's C, "Sweet Lord Jesus, she's back and she's okay!" And my book is now up in front of my face because I'm even redder than I was and I have J and L both yelling at me because they didn't know where I was and they were ready to storm the castle, but they couldn't because they didn't know where the castle was and thank god I'm okay. So now I have a phone number I am to call if I'm not coming back.
It felt kinda good although I'm very sorry I worried everyone.
And now, for LS, the whackadoodle. Yes, I do mean Whackadoodle. He's still loony, but I may have fixed the stalker part. Time will tell since I don't know when I'll see him again, if ever and the "if ever" part seriously works for me. I'm sitting there clinging to any and every man I can in an effort to keep him away from me. And it's still all "Carol... Carol... Carol......" as I am running out the door. Not answering. Praying he gets the hint. Scared to death he won't and thank heavens someone upgraded himself because I was thinking that I might have to invoke the "boyfriend" word in order to make LS go away.
That was Monday morning.
Tuesday morning was better and worse, all at the same time. I came out of the ladies room and there's LS in the middle of the common area. Lovely, huh? Yeah and I get "Carol... Carol... Carol..." as I'm heading to the stairs to run down them and escape. I went outside and there's LS, smoking a cigarette (deal breaker! deal breaker!) and I see some stray guy who I've never spoken to before and I smile and chit chat with him for a minute, then S comes outside and I chit chat and laugh and giggle with him for a minute before heading back inside.
Still not sure that'll work, but that was surely a big fat hint if ever there was one.
Then, my third or fourth favorite smartass, R, tells me I wouldn't have these problems if I didn't smile. Has he met me? Does he not know that if I'm breathing, I'm either smiling or flirting, the two not being mutually exclusive? I even did a google search and found Saint Agatha who is a patron saint of torture victims. Since the last prayer of intercession seems to be working, I'm going to try it again and maybe she'll be able to keep LS away from me.
Wish me luck!
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