It's raining men!
So I have G in my life now and I am so very happy about that. What happens? On my way to South County this morning, this stray man who is obviously from Africa because he has a very thick accent slows down his walk a bit and asks where I'm headed and I told him. He asks for my phone number and I had to tell him (oh darn) that I have a boyfriend. When it finally sinks in, he says okay and starts walking at his normal pace, leaving me behind.
Not that I would have given him my phone number, but I have to wonder about the timing. I think that the happy is shining through and I also think that I'm a softer, gentler me because of it. The blush is in full force because of the happy and I know that people have noticed. Yesterday, when G picked me up at South County, we had to walk past a group of guys from Kennedy. Instant silence and every single eye was on the two of us. I asked G later if he'd noticed and he said that there seemed to be this strange silence/tension when we walked past and I told him what it was about. I don't know why the guys did that and they're absolutely normal when it's just me. It's just when it's the two of us that they get weird.
Now what I really want to know is where all these men have been the last four years. Until CV introduced me to DH, there was essentially nothing and no one. Well, that isn't entirely true, but one date in four years and that one sans teeth does not count.
JTA stopped by last night to deliver the new couch and I also got to meet Rob. JTA was doing some major suck up because he knew he'd been a jerk and I think Rob might have been all gaga because he finally got to meet me since he's heard so darned much about me from G. Rob wanted to dance and since I didn't know how to say no gracefully, I danced with Rob who isn't a bad dancer, but isn't my preferred partner. He made a comment about how long it had been since I'd danced and I told him that it had probably been the day before. He just said G dances? Oh, yeah, all the time. Of course Rob also got a little handsy and I told him about it and now G is also going to tell him to keep his hands to himself and that feels kinda good. I swear though, I have danced more in the last few days than in the past ten years.
And now for the obligatory whackadoodle story.
A little background: you get 45 minutes minimum on a computer at the library. When your time is up, you get a two-minute warning so you have time to close up what you're doing and get out of the way. What do I get? I get the woman whose crap is spread all over the computer, who hasn't put anything away, who hasn't cleaned anything up, and who is trying to log back on even though the log on screen has indicated that the computer is reserved for me. Then she pisses at me because she didn't clean up her mess in time and her flash drive is still in the computer. So I literally had to throw her off of the computer and, honestly, I'd expect better behavior out of a 12-year-old than she was exhibiting.
Now I know that you can just pull the flash drive out because nobody has logged into the computer, so it technically isn't active. What does she do? She screeches at me that I'm trying to destroy her flash drive. Why can't I just do her this one little favor and eject her flash drive? And why should I have to clean up her mess? And, yes, I told her so. Of course, since I'm always the bad guy, I was obviously the one who was just turning this into a massive drama. I informed her that no, I was not, she was the one making the scene, not me. Since her stuff was strewn about the floor by then, I think I got to win that one.
So now we all know. Whackadoodles still love me and they always will. If only G could get that sign off my forehead, instead of just threatening to put a "Property of G" sign there...
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