Monday, January 7, 2013

I found me one!

So last night, I found me a whackadoodle!!!!! D was telling someone about her day and I really have no idea what she was actually saying because I wasn't paying attention. Well, turns out CM was very unhappy with the conversation and started in on the cussing.

Was there cussing? Probably, but not that registered with me, so it couldn't have been the f-bomb every other word.

There is something horribly amusing, though, in someone actually saying, "I'm a Christian woman and I don't cuss, you m-----f-----s." Paraphrased, but close enough. Unfortunately, this was my high stress, loud, chaotic situation that sent me spiralling. But I dealt enough to find it amusing.

Reminds me of two other incidents.

J: "I have so much debt, I cannot believe how much debt I have."
C: "But you just bought a second car."
J: "Oh, but I sold stock and paid cash for it."

Really now....... didn't occur to you to sell stock and pay down your debt instead?

And then there was B, who went on a hunger strike before breakfast. She refused to go to breakfast, but staff brought breakfast back for those who hadn't gone. About five-ten minutes later, there was B, chowing down on her breakfast. Maybe she didn't  know what "hunger strike" means.

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